Dr. Ken Fights Back

by Dr. Ken Youner, ACKC medical director & survivor on December 13, 2010

Dear friends,

It’s been a long time since I have been active on this blog. It is certainly not been my choice. The problem was that on October 2 I had a very severe accident on my bicycle while training for the second annual ride to raise money for the Cecile and Ken Youner fund for Cancer research. I basically got caught in some debris went head over the bicycle and hit headfirst into the ground. This caused an intense contusion to my cervical spinal cord and thus I have been out of commission until this very time.

I now will try to return to some of my work to help all of those with kidney cancer out there. If at the same time I can help those with disabilities understand that they can do work even with this those disabilities I will even be happier. Thus I hope this isn’t to be only the first of my blogs.

I have had to stop my treatment for kidney cancer because of my severe injury. This of course is a great disappointment to me. But I am doing my best to continue to fight on and do what I can with the time I have left to help those like me in the kidney cancer community and now in the New World of disability.

I hope I can continue working on the Association of Cancer Online Resources (ACOR) list and help those patients as well, and continue to answer questions about kidney cancer. I will continue in the fight and I look forward to communicating further with all of my great friends out there in the world fighting kidney cancer.


Ken Youner

(This article is crossposted on Dr. Ken Battles Kidney Cancer.)

3 Responses to “Dr. Ken Fights Back”

  1. December 13, 2010 at 1:58 pm, Jean said:

    I don’t know you, but have an idea what you must be going through
    My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer in August of 2007
    The doctors gave him 4 months and he had a really bad time the next 4 months
    In January of 2008 they started him on toriscell chemotherapy and for some reason it has the
    cancer under controle, it had gone into the adrenal glands, his lungs and his leg
    believe it or not he is still with us and doing very well
    we are thankfull for all those who do the research and develope the drugs that help all patients with cancer. The toriscell had only been available for about 9 months when he started it and the drs werent sure how he would respond, so there is always hope out there
    we just tell people don’t ever give up and take one day at a time
    We hope you do well and maybe can start treatment again
    God bless and hope you continue to do well


  2. December 28, 2010 at 7:32 pm, Nancy Hoey said:

    Ken I haven’t logged on for a week or so and when I saw your most recent post this morning, I just “hooped and hollered”. Both Mike and I send you our deepest appreciation for your commitment to continuing to work with the ACOR and ACKC. To say that you’ve been missed is a giant understatement. We have all been praying and hoping to have you back again in whatever shape or condition you are in and we welcome you back with celebration and love in our hearts. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know. Our prayers go with you and all of our positive thoughts and energy for healing. Most sincerely, Mike and Nancy Hoey in Orangevale, California.


  3. January 02, 2011 at 11:33 pm, Chris said:

    As we start the new year, Ken, we hope to hear from you again soon on the blog. Stay strong, as you always do. We are all thinking of you and praying for you.


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